Pokémon GO: Dates, bonuses and all events September 2022 at a glance

September has come and this month there are many great and new events at Pokémon GO. We have summarized for you here which bonuses and dates are planned for September. Of course, you will also find out here which events will be particularly worthwhile for you. Pokemon hunting is of course easier and more comfortable with one Pokemon Go Plus bracelet


Why are we doing this overview for you?

Every month we show you the latest theme events for Pokémon GO, the coolest raid bosses as well as limelight hours and the various cups of the Go Battle League at a glance. So that you can concentrate on playing, we have everything in a simple overview.

Of course we will also inform you about the Community Day this month. If there are any changes or new events are added, we will update our list.


This is coming up in September 2022:

Niantic has outdone themselves for September. The planned events in Pokémon GO promise an eventful month when reading.


event date

period and date

  • special research
  • Research Breakthrough with Meditalis & Premium Battle Pass

01.09.22 – 01.10.22

Season of Light begins

01.09.220 – 01.12.22

Mega Raids with Mega Ampharos also as Shyni

01.09.22 – 06.009.22

Player versus player:

  • super league
  • Mini Jungle Cup Remix


Level 5 raids with all four Deoxys forms also as Shiny

01.09.22 – 13.09.22

Limited Iscalar (aka Shiny) Research


Spotlight Hour with Stardust bonus when catching with Somniam even as Shiny


The Psycho Spectacle Event

06.09.22 – 12.09.22

Mega Raids with Mega Simsala

06.09.22 – 16.09.22

raid hour with Deoxys in all 4 forms also as Shiny


  • Player versus Player Super League
  • psycho cup

08.09.22 – 15.09.22

Beep riot


Raid day with Deoxys also as Shiny


  • Limelight hour with Trasla also as Shiny
  • XP catch bonus


Level 5 Raids - Pokemon not yet known

13.09.22 – 27.09.22

Raid hour - Pokemon not yet known


Player versus player:

  • hyperleague
  • weather cup

15.09.22 – 22.09.22

"Test Your Courage" event

16.09.22 – 21.09.22

Megaraids - Pokemon still unknown

16.09.22 – 27.09.22

Community day


Spotlight hour with candy bonus on catch and Stollunior also as Shiny


Raid hour - Pokemon not yet known


player versus player

  • hyperleague
  • HL Premier Classic

22/09.22/29.09.22 – XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX

Goyang Safari Zone in South Korea

23.09.22 – 25.09.22

Limelight hour with mailing bonus (candies) and picochilla as Shiny


fashion week

27.09.22 – 03.10.22

Level 5 raids with YVELTAL also as Shiny

Megaraids with Megaschlapor also as Shiny

27.09.22 – 08.10.22

Raid hour with YVELTAL also as Shiny


Player versus player:

  • master league
  • ML Premier Class

29.09.22 – 06.10.22


Be sure to remember the following dates:

Limited research on Iscalar: 

Look forward to a day of research and turning the photo disk. This is the only way you can get special tasks and maybe catch Iscalar as Shiny for the first time.


Psycho Spectacle: 

What the name already suggests is program. Look forward to many Psychic Pokémon


Community Day: 

This will take place between 14 p.m. and 17 p.m. local time. You can be sure of great bonuses, even if it is not yet clear which Pokémon it is about.


Test your courage:

Nobody knows exactly how the event will run and what tasks you will have to face. But the name already promises good things and you should definitely not miss the event.



A special day with Beep is also pending. Let yourself be surprised.




The raid hours in September

Previously unknown Pokémon give these hours a special charm. Rumor has it that the Pokémon will be new monsters in the game. But also well-known Pokémon like YVELTAL you should definitely secure and use it.